Thursday, March 30, 2006

I've been tagged...

I've been tagged a few days ago by Kathie Link...sorry for only getting around to this now. I've had a few busy days.
Here goes...
What scrapbook lines/products, etc. do you dislike?
I can't seem to find much use for metal embellishments. I've got some in my stash but never seem to use them...

What is the hardest thing you have ever had to scrap?
I've scrapped some pages about my childhood and my grandparents. I spent quite a bit of time with my grandparents in school holidays and have lots of fond memories. It was sad for me when they died before they had a chance to meet my children.
I also scrapped a couple of pages a while back about a very rough time a couple years back when I had some serious health issues. That was a very difficult process.

What technique do you use more than anything else?
Probably sanding and sewing.

What is the smallest scrap of paper you save?
6x6in...anything smaller I know I will not use again.

Have you ever had any scrapbook related injuries?
Pricking my self in the finger with an awl. Does that count??

Finish this sentence, "If I wasn't a scrapbooker/stamper, I would spend my
money on..."
don't know...maybe more clothes? Chocolate? Buy that anyway:)

Give us your best storage or organizational idea.
I would like some some advice myself. lol

You just won a week long scrapbooking cruise for 5. Who is going with you?
Probably some scrapping girlfriends.

When you received your first publication notification, who did you tell?
Anyone that just happened to talk to me that day:) My husband was the first though. He is also my biggest supporter.

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