Friday, February 22, 2008

A sad day...

...and I'm not sure how to tell the kids yet. As I was reversing the car in the driveway I could feel rolling over something and the next few minutes are just a blur. I remember things happening almost in slow motion. There was blood everywhere. Our little kitten that was only 3 months old met a very quick end but in my mind it seemed to last forever. To say I was upset would be an understatement. Max had taken a shine to Tiger Tom and I dread having to tell him that he will not be coming back.


Anonymous said...

Oh Katja, that is so sad. You have had such a terrible day and here is me feeling sorry for myself over nothing. Every time we lose a pet we tell our grandchildren they have gone to pet heaven. When the stars come out the children swear they can see our pets up there shining brightly and watching over them.
hugs Bev Miller

Yvette Adams said...

Oh no Katja. :( I'm so sad for you all.

kathie said...

Oh Katja! I'm feeling for you right now. Sending you and your family big hugs and comfort.

Alison Shearer said...

Oh no Katja - that is awful. You poor thing. Sending good vibes your way. I hope Max is OK.A sad day for all of you.
